
My Pledge Video

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I am currently in my last few quarters at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Enrolled in a Queer Communities sociology class, I opted to do a creative project for my final assignment, feeling it was a chance to take action, to do something truly effective. As mentioned in my video above, my pledge was initially taken in November 2008. Since then, I've learned accountability is often stronger when others are enrolled in one's commitment. What better chance than this, to truly declare my pledge to the universe? Declaring this pledge so publicly is pivotal, forcing me to truly sift through my November impulse vowing against my own civil rights. I must be honest, this pledge wasn't an easy one to take. It was tough, battling through the "what ifs" that armed my worry. But you have to ask yourself - who am I to have the choice, when others don't? I am confident I do not stand alone, facing a reality where I see my own privileged luxury against others societal handcuffs. Since the passing of Proposition 8, I know there are others out there whom question their own place in this battle for equality. So, I urge you to join me in investigating where equality truly sits in your own heart's desires. Do a little soul searching...

What I found floating on the surface of my heart's desires-for-humanity is equality, civil rights, and above all, LOVE. More importantly, I found questions begging to be answered: "What do I have to give up in my life to make my fight succumb to any meaning in the battle over equality, marriage, and 'legal-love'?"

...A handful of protests, an ocean full of tears, and infinite desperate apologies to the LGBTQI community on behalf of the state I call my home, this is what I turned in on the last day of class. This is my answer. ...what's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Hewwo to you, and thank you for the support against Hate, we need all the outspoken people we can get.

    Down with proposition 8! Cause I'm wont back down!


I, _(insert name)__, pledge not to marry until every citizen is granted the right to legally wed under the Constitution of California.